Saturday, May 8, 2010


it has been a crazy past few weeks. i created a training with the other ICAP volunteers in inhambane and we had the training for this group of actavistas from april 8-10. it was a great chance to really put all i've learned to work. we had a group of 15 activistas from an organization called ceLim that works mainly in nutrition. They are working in the communities and needed more HIV/Aids training. it was so great to be able to be part of the training. we had a few activities that we lead which was great and we helped out whenever needed.

A week after the training I took 2 girls from my area to the Raparigas Em Desenvolvimento, EducacÄo e Saude (REDES) (Girls in development, education and health). the conference was in Xai Xai and was so much fun. i really got to know the 2 girls i brought a lot better and i was a leader of the youngest group of girls. it was great to see how much they knew and their perspective on things. my friend and i lead 2 activities with the entire group and it was great. i am getting a lot better of speaking in front of groups and actually am starting to like it! The girls would learn about everything from nutrition, to how to start a business, to study skills etc. one thing i really thought was cool was each group had to create a song about a certain topic (my group's was i am me) and then they were recorded. the coolest part about it is that the girls are supposed to give the cd's to chappa drivers to play. It was amazing to see how a week at this conference changed so many of the girls that were there. there was this girl Melfina in my group who did not speak very good portugese but by the end her confidence was so high we couldn't get her to stop speaking! The 2 girls i brought had so much fun and it seemed like they were different people when we left. I am so excited to get the group started and next week i am going to try and talk to the school director to get more girls involved.

I have really started to learn the local language xiope and it is going really well. i have a few key phrases down and am trying to speak it whenever possible. my site mate emma has been taking lessons with me and it has helped so much and has been so much fun. the best thing about learning the local language is the reactions from the mozambicans. most of the time i get a huge smile and a laugh and every so often i get an uh oh look (because they were talking about me in xiope and i responded to them in xiope). everyone has been so helpful and wants me to learn! i can't wait until i can really speak and understand the language!

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