So this weekend when I was hanging out with my site mates Emma and Scooter I noticed these red bumps on my body that started itching. At first I just thought that they were just bug bites but they kept popping up and then we noticed that Scooter had the same bumps. When we called the Peace Corps Medical Office (PCMO) they said that we needed to come to Maputo so they could figure out what we have. It kind of looked like chicken pox but we both have had them. We got into Maputo on Sunday and went straight to the clinic to get blood drawn.
On Monday we found out that we have tick fever. We think we got it from the cutest puppies when we were at the beach a few weekends ago. We’re fine just having some fevers and the bumps are starting to go away. We’re happy that it’s not contagious because we can go out in Maputo and enjoy all the perks of being here such as great restaurants and shopping.
While we were sitting at the Peace Corps office using internet and just getting things done that we can’t do at site it started hailing. The hail was the size of nickels. We didn’t know that it could hail here so we were quite confused. It was an interesting end to the day.